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Thursday, July 23, 2015

LET US PRAY that OLQA Priests aren't becoming TOO SELF-INDULGENT

LET US PRAY that OLQA Priests (newport beach) aren't becoming TOO SELF-INDULGENT:

 fr kerry,et al,including the white-haired elderly priest who takes a lot of boat cruises,& also the vietnamese priest who can't say his r's (I think Fr Kerry likes having him around as a "foil" (ie if you are a bit weak or deficient in one way or another,but having a person a bit weaker working next to you,makes you appear to be stronger; its a hollywood scheme). 

I'm just VERY concerned about the way OLQA is going. They didn't really need a new church building but built one anyways,just because. Now they have a new building but it seems tht attendance is declining, and yet the same group of priests remain. Nothing changed at the annual "priest shift" (ie priests get re-assigned around the end of June every year).

 Maybe building a new church gets a priest extra points so they get the option of staying in place if they choose. But then also the elderly priest's homily this morning was disturbing. He actually warned the congregation to beware of people who say they "know the Bible". He warned of the danger of "certitude". 

That's a strange thing to say. People can absolutely have a strong sense of certitude about the Bible,even if they don't know it inside out & upside down. Its not about knowing all the people & places in the Bible. Its about gaining a sense of certainty about the character of God,about His love,His Spirit,His care for His Sheep. That's a certitude we can express without ambivalence or hesitancy or apology whatsoever.

Finally,I am concerned about the note that one of the priests or staff taped to the door about "please do not give homeless people money". It bothers me because when I go to OLQA I sit in the outer hall & listen to the service rather than going inside & sitting in the pew.

 I don't like sitting in view of the priest because they tend to have a piercing,domineering 100-yard-stare that makes me very uncomfortable.Yet I want to come in & pray & recite the liturgy. I want go up for the eucharist because of the way the priests look at me.

Thus,now with the sign on the door,when people come in & see me sitting on the bench in the outer hallway at the same time they read this note they think I'm the homeless person,even if I'm NOT homeless,and have never asked for money or a handout.

I am a college graduate with honors, & a seminary graduate. I also have done missionary work,among other things. I am currently the CEO of my own ministry and do a lot of online evangelistic blogs,as well as pro-life activism,among other things.I remember when I first came to OLQA,there was an immediate feeling of discomfort I had around Fr Kerry. I felt he was looking "down" upon me,and ever since then it has never gotten better,despite me coming to mass on a periodic basis,well-behaved,properly dressed,etc.

 I actually believe he feels insecure around me,perhaps due to my masculinity.
Anyways,whatever the case may be,the priests will be held accountable by God for how they treat or mistreat parishioners. They have the "bully pulpit" for better or worse.I noticed they also have an adult assistant at the mass with them every morning who also has that 100-yard stare.

 You can be at the very back of the church & the minute you enter their field of vision,you feel as if you are a deer in their rifle scope. Its eery.
I pray that the priests will loosen the reigns and allow parishioners to feel a little less burdened.

 These priests take a lot of nice vacations & cruises, & trips to Israel,etc & shouldn't make the parishioners more burdened than they (we) already are,as if our salvation depends upon it. Shame on these priests.We are ALL feeling the weight of too much gravity @ OLQA. I pray for a new wave of the Holy Spirit,a new awakening @ OLQA.
James "Jimmy" Ross