message fr bishop vann("a reflection on 40 years" (undated, prob spring 2016)...AND so we pray for Bishop Vann...who I feel to be a very sincere and caring leader...and quite down-to-earth for his position...and he is also willing to interact in ecumenical gatherings...saw him at the mental health gathering at saddleback a few years ago..and he is willing to talk about his own childhood and family back in the midwest where he grew up.. maybe partially I feel comfortable with him because I also have midwest roots...those of us from the midwest know the difference between there & here (california) in terms of the way people interact socially etc. ..and so we pray, Lord, for Your Holy Spirit to continue to inspire & convict Bishop Vann to be a great leader and to lead us to do our best, and to continue to grow spiritually in Christ , and continue to become more and more active and involved in the matters of the kingdom, including pro-life activism, among many other things. And we pray for the diocese of orange which Bishop Vann leads...let the churches and congregations and priests and parishioners to "be all that we can be" ...hear our prayer Lord and also for the Christ I was also active at the Crystal Cathedral before the big the same time I was becoming more involved in the catholic community including st. seemed almost providential in my life that now I am involved or participating at the CC as a catholic congregation...given all the years prior that it was a protestant church from the reformed tradition..and all the conferences and worship services..and gatherings as a reformed church...and now it is catholic...; and as I continue to also promote pro-cath-ordox unity (protestant-catholic-orthodox)..was i called by this destiny that I am still here at the CC? Whatever the case may be, I digress, Lord...this is supposed to be a prayer for Bishop Vann. WE also pray for his family...God be with the Bishop.